Main Street Tucker GA
“Have you been to any of the new restaurants on Main Street in Tucker GA?” asked Matthew Lee, Executive Director of the Tucker-Northlake CID. There was a big show of hands at our Realty Associates sales meeting where Lee was making a presentation. The follow-up question was the one that got everyone’s attention. “Did you have any trouble finding a place to park” As you can guess every hand went back up indicating “yes” parking on Main Street has become a problem. Turns out the popularity of the new (and older) restaurants on Main Street has created a parking issue.
First of all, do yourself a favor and stop in one of the many excellent restaurants on Tucker’s Main Street for a fine and tasty dinner. I recommend Ford’s BBQ, Village Burger, The Local 7, Hot Betty’s Breakfast Bar, our old family favorite Matthews Cafeteria, Las Colinas Mexican, and Ali’s Vegetarian. And yes, Food Netwoots Diner’s, Drive-ins, and Dives has been to Tucker.
Back to the parking issue – help is on the way. The City of Tucker has purchased the land behind Local 7 currently being used as a long-term rental RV parking lot. These two acres will be converted into additional parking and green space. Lee showed us some iterations of the very thoughtful planning process and we are all going to be pleased with what the City of Tucker is doing with this new acquisition. Parking will be easier and the pedestrian green space will be a nice addition to Main Street Tucker GA.