Lakeside Cluster- Elementary School Attendance Zones Tweaked
DeKalb County School staff are once again creating misery for parents as Lakeside Cluster Elementary School Attendance Zones are being tweaked with no logical reason.
A community meeting, where parents were given options to “participate” in the planning process, presented attendance zone options for students in the Lakeside Cluster. It appears to me students being shuffled like a deck of playing cards to meet the DeKalb County School’s (highly questionable) poorly planned construction plands and questionable projections of school attendance in 2020.

Information in regards to this evening’s meeting is now posted. This is BIG and will impact 176 HMES students.
Presentation below:Information provided by a Henderson Mill Elementary School Parent
Beleaguered parents at Henderson Mill are just now recovering from a major management debacle by exiting DeKalb Superintendent Stephen Green invloving a beloved Henderson Mill PE teacher. Hawthorne Elementary School parents are still reeling from a proposal to combine Henderson Mill and Hawthorne Elementary Schools. Now parents are facing a staff DeKalb Schools redistricting agenda which appears to be largely motivated by a funding referendum on the horizon

The majority of the homes in the Lakeside Cluster were built in the 1960s. I regularly list homes for sale where original owners are moving to an assisted living facility and new owners are moving in with school-age children. I will not be voting to give DeKalb County Schools more construction money in a Bond referendum because the used the last pot of money for pet projects and non-construction items (and there has been no accounting of these funds). Promised construction and capital improvements to local schools were not delivered. Enough of these political agendas.