
Tucker Animal Hospital

Tucker Animal Hospital

Tucker Animal Hospital to the rescue. Millie has been miserable.  Her miseries started over Labor Day weekend when we visited my husband’s parents at their farm in Crabapple.  We had a fabulous day.  Tim did some gardening and Millie enjoyed romping around the yard and pasture with her “cousin” Jigs who is a terrier type dog.

Millie English Springer SpanielWe had a big family gathering for dinner, one of those bring a covered dish typ of affairs and my husband Tim did a low country boil with shrimp, sausage, new potatoes and sweet corn.  It was a nice day.

When we got home I went to bathe Millie as she was just a bit dirty from romping around the pastures.  When I got her all hosed down I noticed she had a large number of fleas.  Millie occasionally gets a flea or two but nothing like this.  They were crawling all over her.

Tim dashed to the gorcery store and came back with all kinds of flea rememdies.  I bathed Millie with flea soap and then proceeded to use the flea comb to try and remove fleas by hand.

Millie is on a monthly topical flea med but we needed to get those fleas off of her now.  They were driving Millie and me crazy.  For the next couple of days the wash, rinse comb procedure was repeated until we got the flea population handled.

Next came a flea allergy.  Millie could not stop scratching and biting herself.  It was painful to watch.

Off the the vet we went.  Tim took Millie to see Doctor Harris at the Tucker Veterinary hospital.


Doctor Harris gave Millie a cortizone shot and an antihistime for the allergy.  Then he took a look at Millie’s ears.  English Springer Spaniels have large ears and are prone to ear infections, especially if they are swimmers.  Yep, both ears were infected.  Poor Millie had all kinds of problems.  SO we added antibiotic to the mix.  And to add coals to the fire, Millie needed her rabies booster shot.

Millie is all better now.  She enjoys romping around the yard and chasing squirrels.  The poor girl had all kinds of miseries but is now back to her smiling and joyful self.