
Realty Associates of Atlanta: Sally English and the English Team Making the Move

Realty Associates of AtlantaRealty Associates of Atlanta

7 years ago I never dreamed I would leave my old company for Realty Associates of Atlanta.  I have been a RE  MAX Broker Associate since 1995.  In the photo at left I was pretty pumped to receive the  Lifetime achievement award from Dave Liniger. My assistant, Debora Millson, was pregnant with her first child, Daniel, who is now 7 years old.

A lot has happened since that photo was taken.

As English Team home sellers know all too well, the real estate market has changed.  My old company has not kept up with the changes.  Like Blockbuster, my old company has been a dinosaur in it’s business model.  And in my opinion, has been too stubborn to adapt to the marketplace.  

In particular, I have been disappointed with the commitment to technology.

Realty Associates of AtlantaAs anyone who has been to my website knows, I need superior technology to do my job and my old company has chosen not to make the investment.  

And RE  MAX has chosen not to change their business model. In particular, it has been difficult to maintain buyer agents on my team because of the structure.

To better serve my clients I have proactively worked to form a new real estate company: Realty Associates of Atlanta.  

Job 1 at Realty Associates of Atlanta will be servicing the home sellers who are struggling to sell homes in a deteriorating Atlanta real estate market.

Realty Associates of Atlanta
will tackle this tough real estate market using superior technology, the ability to quickly change to meet the needs of an evolving marketplace and savvy marketing skills.

Realty Associates of Atlanta
will not be changing office locations or our support staff.  All the good stuff will remain. You will see new signs, new business cards and a new name on the company.  We will be aggressively entering the marketplace.

What changes should you expect from Sally English and The English Team as we migrate to Realty Associates of Atlanta:

  • New signage2.       
  • New Flyers and marketing materials with Realty Associates of Atlanta Logos.
  • My phone number (770-939-31784), email address ( and website ( will NOT change.
  • Very little of the English Team marketing plan has to be tweaked to make these changes. 

I appreciate your support as Sally English and The English Team go through the changes that will put more homes for sale in front of more Atlanta home buyers.

Sally English and the English Team are making the move to Realty Associates of Atlanta