Metro Atlanta Housing Prices Drop More than other Major Cities
Metro Atlanta Housing Prices Drop
Here is the lead story in the Atlanta Journal and Constitution today: Metro Atlanta housing prices plummet
“We kicked off the week talking about the economic challenges facing metro Atlanta and the region’s need to adapt to suit the modern real estate marketplace.
Yesterday, we got a rather harsh confirmation that change is indeed necessary. According to the latest S&P Case-Shiller numbers, housing prices in the 20 largest metro areas fell by 3.5 percent from February 2011 to February 2012.
In the 28-county metro Atlanta region, however, the year-to-year price decline was 17.3 percent, easily the largest drop in the nation. The decline was twice as large as that in Las Vegas, the second worst-performing metro region in the country”
No surprise here for anyone who has been trying to sell their house. Buyers are out there and homes are selling, but prices have dropped big time in the past year.
Latest report from Case-Schilling