
Homes with Swimming Pools

Homes with Swimming Pools

I you looking to “hit the pool” this weekend we have homes with swimming pools for sale in zip codes 30084, 30345, 30033,30329 (Northlake,Tucker, Decatur).

Homes with swimming pools in 30084 and 30345

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Homes with swimming pools in 30033

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Call or text Sally English direct at 404-229-2995 to see these homes.

Check back frequently as these homes for sale are fmls real time listings and availability – and new listings – change several times a day.  Call Sally direct if you are interested in listings and homes in nearby neighborhoods.  Sally English specializes in neighborhoods convenient to Emory University and The Centers for Disease Control. 

Homes with Swimming PoolsSwimming pools are a “must” for some home buyers and a “must not” for others.  If you are concerned about maintenance, we have great news.  Help is right around the corner in Tucker:

Dillard Swimming Pools, Inc.

4505 Hugh Howell Rd. Tucker, GA 30084 

Tel: (770) 934 7611 Fax: (770) 938 8077 



This is a great source for everything from advice to a full service maintenance contract.  It will take all the hassle out of being a pool owner.