Directional Sign Help
Directional Sign Help
My love-hate relationship with the directional sign continues. I severely dislike putting up directional signage. My municipality on allows a directional sign on the weekend. So it is a BIG hassle.
But the competition uses a ton of directional signage and I get complaints from my sellers if I don’t use some directional signage for their property.
It is time to re-order and I need some help with design. In the photo below you will see proofs of two designs I am currently contemplating. If you have any comments, suggestions or criticism I would greatly appreciate the comments.
I just dont understand why agents need to blanket a neighborhood with directional signs. In the old days driving directions were iffy and the use of a couple of directional signs was understandable. Everybody uses iPhone Maps or google maps now so what’s up. It is a selfish behavior on the part of agents who for some reason dont respect the neighborhood. Put up one sign at the street entrance and then let it work.
My signage supplier is Sams Signs. You can contact them here if you need some directional signs of your own.
2905 Amwiler Rd. Suite D Atlanta GA, 30360
(770)987-9898, 1-800-451-9878
FAX: (770)987-5131, 1-800-987-5131
E-Mail: sales@samsign.com
Hah, Just saw my picture on one of the Sams Signs advertisements: Sally English sign