English Team School Information
Choosing schools for your child is an important decision. Gathering objective and independent school information is the best way to evaluate educational opportunities you are considering for your children.
School information on Great Schools Private Website
A good place to start is the Great Schools website. Here you will find specific school information as well as parent ratings and demographics.
Selected School Individual Websites
We have selected a few school systems and individual schools which may be of particular interest to our clients. Select a link below and find out what schools have to say about their educational programs.
Elementary / Middle
- Abbots Hill
- Alpharetta
- Barnwell
- Birmingham Falls
- Cogburn Woods
- Crabapple Crossing
- Creekview
- Dolvin
- Dunwoody Springs
- Esther Jackson
- Findley Oaks
- Heards Ferry
- Hembree Springs
- High Point
- Hillside
- Ison Springs
- Lake Forest
- Lake Windward
- Manning Oaks
- Medlock Bridge
- Mimosa
- Mountain Park
- New Prospect
- Northwood
- Ocee
- River Eves
- Roswell North
- Shakerag
- Spadling Drive Charter
- State Bridge Crossing
- Summitt Hill
- Sweet Apple
- Wilson Creek
- Woodland