1795 Council Bluff Drive Atlanta Georgia 30345
1795 Council Bluff Drive Atlanta Georgia 30345
1795 Council Bluff Drive Atlanta Georgia 30345 sold by Sally English and The English Team, Atlanta real estate agents.
Sally English, Asswociate Broker at Realty Associates of Atlanta LLC (3350 Northlake Parkway Atlanta GA 30345) listed and sold the home at 1795 Council Bluff Drive Atlanta Georgia 30345 in Sagamore Hills subdivision for clients Dave and Jennifer Demuro.
Sales Price:$ 417,400.
Closing Date: 2/26/2010
1795 Council Bluff Drive Atlanta Georgia 30345 is a brick ranch home located in a subdivision off Clairmont Road in Northeast Atlanta Georgia. Residents have a convenient commute to Emory University, Emory Hospital, Childrens Hospital, VA Hospital, Midtown Atlanta and Downtown Atlanta (easy access to I-85 at Clairmont Road).
Students at the home will attend Sagamore Hills Elementary School which is within walking distance or an easy bike ride from the home.
Briarcliff Woods Beach Club with swimming pool and summer swim league is also convenient to the property. there is a spacious club house perfect for birthday parties and family reunions etc. located on the Briarcliff Woods Beach club property. Call or text Sally English at 404-229-2995 for more information about this home. Sally English specializes in homes and neighborhoods convenient to Emory University and The Centers for Disease Control.