1756 Pierce Arrow Parkway Tucker Georgia 30084

1756 Pierce Arrow Parkway Tucker Georgia 30084
Sally English, Tucker real estate agents, listed and sold the home at 1756 Pierce Arrow Parkway Tucker Georgia 30084 in Classic Village subdivision for seller clients Wendell Humphries and Alicia Ziegler. Sales Price: $168,000 Closing Date: 10/2/2009. NEW KITCHEN W/ WHITE CABINETS, CONCRETE LIKE COUNTERS, TILED FLOOR & SS APPLIANCES. GREAT ROOM W/VAULTED CEILING, CARPET, FIREPLACE & SLIDE DOOR TO DECK. UPDATED BATHS W/NEW TILED FLOORS. OVERSIZE 2 CAR GARAGE. HVAC – 2006. CONVENIENT TO EMORY, CDC AND MIDTOWN
Homes for Sale Now on Pierce Arrow Parkway
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Call or text Sally English direct at 404-229-2995 to see these homes.
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Check out the new vibe in Tucker Georgia. Re-vitalized Main Street has new shops, restaurants, beer growler shop and a weekly farmers market. 30 min commute downtown.